I have been found, caught, and outed. Quite simply, my secret is no longer a secret.
Ronda for Ronda's Rants warned me about it happening some day. I just didn't think it would happen this quick.
A friend of mine who I had not told about my blog, told me yesterday that he is a regular reader. How the hell did this happen?
One of the best things about starting my own blog in January is that it gave me a forum to express myself without the worry of friends or loved ones being offended. Everyone needs to vent at times, and this was to be my outlet.
This blogging thing also allowed me to write about any insecurities I may have... like admitting that being a single father to four girls isn't all that easy. It is the kind of information you just don't throw out there for just anyone to digest and judge.
Especially people you work with or coach against on a daily basis.
It was brought to my attention last night while attending a meeting with all the high school football coaches in my area.
"Hey, Brett, you got a minute?" said an assistant coach at one of my rival schools.
"Yea, what's up Coach?", I answered. The best thing about my profession is that I never have to worry about forgetting someone's name. We are all Coach.
"I read your blog every day in second period. It's cool, man. I like it."
I couldn't believe it. What the hell is a football coach doing reading blogs? Humor me and forget about the fact that I am a football coach for a minute. But, aren't these guys supposed to be only interested in looking at ESPN.com or the latest blog site dedicated to high school football?
I thanked him for the compliment and we talked about it for a few more minutes before we headed home. It really is surreal for me to think that I am now being read by people who I will encounter on a daily basis.
Makes me wonder if I will worry about what I write about now. I don't think so, though.
In fact, to you readers that know me in the real world: You might want to be afraid of how you treat me in the future. I just might reveal information about you on here.
And, to my surprise, people actually read this shit.
What’s Cookin’?
2 weeks ago
I don't know why you are surprised. You are damn good. You keep it up, you can expect more people to find you. Don't stop doing what you do.
ReplyDeleteoh dear. that's why i monitor my feedjit religiously! the minute i see someone visiting from my area and i will probably panic and take the whole thing down. i haven't divulged too much that i wouldn't want read by people i have to see, but i do like having the option to.
ReplyDeletethis is my little safe place. i want to be able to talk freely about my neighbor's horrible haircut.
i guess this means your famous.
this is great!!! :) Mine is the opposite..only readers at first were my friends.. :) I love that I am starting to meet new and interesting, and sometimes a little scary, LOl, people through this!!
ReplyDeleteI have been wanting to ask...would you get in trouble from your admin for having a blog? I hear it's taboo in schools.
ReplyDeleteYeah, why is it easier to spill your guts to the world wide web, but when I find out that someone in family finds my blog, my stomache is in knots.
ReplyDeleteI tend to vent more in comments. They only read me, not the blogs I follow. Muahahahahaha!
yea, my mom and i know my ex b/f read my blog. :( i dont think they know that feedjit lets me stalk them stalking me. so i know. but they dont know i know. and they dont tell me. i dont like it. but i carry on. this is my place. if ya don't like it, don't read, i figure.
ReplyDeletei love how you so stereotyped men there. hah!
only 2 more days left as my mourner of the month! :( havent figured out who i'll pick next... but i'll miss seeing ya on my blog everyday!
My sister reads my blog as well as other family members. It really hampers what I write...
ReplyDeleteThat's so funny!! It totally freaks me out the number of family members & friends who read my blog. It's a bit odd writing the four letters words I do, knowing that my great aunt Marjorie is reading!
ReplyDeleteYeah, several of my friends and family know about mine (b/c I told them) but sometimes I think I shouldn't have. Time will tell!
ReplyDeleteJust wait, soon, whenever something happens, the people around you are gonna tell you to write about it on your blog! I get that all the time. Talk about pressure!
ReplyDeleteWait until a parent finds it....YIKES!
ReplyDelete...and then locals...they just lurk!
Laughing with you... I got called into my boss's office and he asked how work was going, I rosily replied 'just great' he said 'thats funny Ive just been reading this!
ReplyDeleteThank God I maintained confidentiality, and he is a bit computer illiterate, but boy did I get my butt kicked for the litlle I did say... big lesson for me there....
Mmmm know how you feel, Im surprised people read my shit toooo...lol
I wish I wouldn't have told my mom. It is good and bad. I am not a great daughter - calling etc. So it keeps feeling in touch. Yet, there are things I want to write about that I won't and things I have that I cringe.
ReplyDeleteLMAO. That's funny. I don't have a job or any local friends and my ONE friend on the other side of the country can't be bothered to read it. So I can say whatever I want. :)
ReplyDeleteIt is unsettling to know that people you know are reading your words. My dh, MIL and my dh's aunt read my blog (and who knows who else in his family). I even switched my blog address a few years ago to get away from them but they found me again anyway. I do censor what I say in regards to our marriage (which kind of sucks sometimes) because of it.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could be courageous enough to just say what I really think sometimes but then I worry about offending someone so I don't.
Well then, Can I have your autograph? hehe! I find yoru blog so humerous, I enjoy it, too!
ReplyDeleteNot to try and make your problem seem less signifigant, but if you think having friends read your blog is a pain, imagine having your mother read it!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Hey, you write whatever you like. This is our venue to express ourselves. If other people don't like what we have to say, they just just move on right? This is America. No one's making them read it and no one's asking them to agree with what we write. These are OUR truths and our lives as we see it.
ReplyDeleteI hope that you continue to write what you feel. I think you're awesome :)
Take good care and.....
Steady On
Reggie Girl
I find you to be very humble and I really enjoy reading your blog. I have 2 blogs, one people know about that I no longer post on and one they don't know about that I do. I did it for the same reason you did, to have an outlet. If they find it, then that's how it is. I say what I want to here because it's my private space. I say what I need to in person. You keep rockin'!
ReplyDeleteWell I along with so many others like reading what you have to say....so dont stop!!!
ReplyDeletePeople were surprised when they found out my mother knew about my blog, especially after some of the things I had mentioned about her. But she knew about most of it as I was writing it. The trick is not to surprise anyone.
ReplyDeleteIf a gal in Crisfield, Maryland can find you, someone living in your town will certainly be able to find you!
ReplyDeleteCoach, not sure if you remember what I wrote about shooting sports or not, but I have to shoot a basketball game tomorrow night-deadline game, and I only have five minutes to shoot it because I have to rush to another assignment.
I keep telling my editors, "I don't know nothing 'bout no sports." It helps if you know a quarterback from a center when you shoot sports.
Think about me tomorrow night.
Surreal is the only way to describe it...
ReplyDeleteI am not a writer and don't have any aspirations...so I never expected readers let alone readers in real life!
You are a great writer and so naturally you would be found out! Sorry about the iPod :(
I, on the other have to be very careful about what I write and I WISH I didn't have about 50 real life followers. I'm actually thinking of starting a blog that only a few people are invited to so that I can write whatever I want to.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. When I found out I had people reading my blog that I know IRL, I had to make a decision whether to continue the openess that blogging provides, or go back to my paper journals. I'm still trying to balance what that looks and read like, but I have found that I edit some stuff out, just to avoid the inevitable phone calls to follow...
ReplyDeleteYou are a good writer and have 4 beautiful girls. I can't get any of my friends locally to read my blog, too busy. Stefunk, neice, got me started blogging. I know she and my sister read mine. Other than that, I don't worry, and don't think you should!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean, it's almost an invasion. You could change your web address and just give out to your followers, just an idea that I have thought of myself. I know I try to be careful about what I write because I know I have some lurkers that are from my personal life....and even with my poetry, everyone always assumes it's about me. Actually that's why I took my picture off for awhile...and some friends passed my link along so now I feel like my poems aren't as candid as I'd like to be for fear of interpretation or misinterpretation. Ah, ya just can't win. and why is he surfing the net and not coaching or planning or something? grrrr.
ReplyDeleteOf course we read it, more than that we look forward to reading it. School has been hectic so I haven't been around as much lately but I did miss reading your blog. Though now you have me thinking about who I know who might be reading mine? Oh what the heck who cares!
ReplyDeleteToo funny! Wow! I can't get any of my friends to read my blog. Half don't know what a blog is.
ReplyDeleteMy dashboard says you have a post called Let it Be, but when I click it, it says the page does not exist. :( Do you know why?
ReplyDeleteI wrote a post last night.... then I took it off my page.
ReplyDeleteHmm ok. I'm not sure what to make of that.
ReplyDeleteAaawh.. That's a tough one. I almost got found out twice and completely panicked and moved the blog.. I really don't want anyone to know that I am me, especially not since I'll one day be a psychologist.. Not very good to have your sex life all over the internet in that case. I vague stuff up all the time to be on the safe side. You've never been anonymous, but now you are even less. I sincerely hope you keep writing though, I really enjoy you!
ReplyDeleteSee, that is exactly what I am thinkin. No family or IRL friends reading mine. I've had to start a new blog because my family got a hold of the first one. I don't care what other random people think about me, but my family or friends?!? Heck no. Then it wouldn't be a blog anymore. It'd be a "thank you for reading my totally untrue thought of the day..."
ReplyDeleteDon't let it bother you too much. I mean, heck, he's already read it all so far without you knowing.. He wouldn't expect it to change now.=)
You know, I've never had that happen.
ReplyDeleteIf anything I've had the reverse. I've told friends about my blog without any stirring of interest.
I'm not sure how I'd feel if casual friends began reading me. Like you, I'd hope it wouldn't make a difference to what I write.
It's almost embarrassing isnt it.
ReplyDeleteTo know that people go out of their way to read the smut others have to write about.. I remember when a friend of my s-n-l's told me she found my blog... I told her flat out not to read it.. as there was info on there she would finde way to T.M.I... she did it anyway and proceeded to ask me about some stuff that I did earlier in my life that I would be happy to discuss with strangers on the web..but not someone face to face...
oh well.. live and learn!!!
Whew! Being "outted" must have really scared you! You haven't blogged since! Hope everyone is okay!
ReplyDeleteSee...this worries me just a wee bit. I talk about people I work with...I talk BAD about people that annoy me in my neighborhood...I talk REAALLY bad about my EX and his whole family. If I get caught...that will SUCK!
ReplyDeleteOkay...Where are you? You delete a post and now I haven't seen you in awhile...it's only an iPod!!! :)
ReplyDeleteTwice it so happened that I gave away my blog address to my friends and ended up regretting it the next second. That's why I've to keep deleting blogs and starting new ones. I won't let it happen this time around, though. People need freedom to express themselves, without being judged based on it, don't they?